The 1735 Van Leuvan House is slated for demolition to build the Villa Residences
The Van Leuvan House, built in 1735, is a fully in tact 18th centrury Dutch stone house that is part of (under and within) the existing Villa of St. Joseph buildings. The plan to build the 122-unit apartment complex, by the Dominican Sisters, outlines that this historic structure, along with all property buildings, will be removed to make room for the new construction. Many Saugerties residents, Town of Saugerties historic commission representatives and other historians have written letters, sent emails and had meetings to request that the Van Leuvan House be preserved - either moved to another location on the property or moved to another site within the Hudson Valley area. The Van Leuvan House is part of the Town of Saugerties 2005 Historic Resource Survey.
Letter from Stefan Yarabek, Chair of the Town of Saugerties Historic Preservation Commission
1735 Van Leuvan House added to the Saugerties 2005 Historic Resource Survey